Sunday, April 14, 2013

Big Day and Marketing Away

First off, I had to change the title of my blog. Realized it was misspelled ARGH!!! So I changed it, all ten of you must thing I'm an idiot. Anyways, I had a big day today. In my attempt to make as much money as possible I found my first day without auditions. ECK!!! What to do.

I've heard from a lot of voice artists that they make a majority of their money off of repeat business. Now, I get a lot of repeat business but there is a lot of older business that I need to get in contact with.

So here's what my day started with. NEW WEBSITES. There will be reviews of these, MIND you, they are all free at the moment. I think if I get a few auditions, they may charge.

3) Elance
6) Piehole

These sites have jobs for voice over artists though they are few, they have some. The way I figure it,  I may be able to get a few of those jobs, Why not, so I post my profile to all the sites and go for it.

Next I make a spreadsheet for past clients. I want to send a personalized email to each of them, thanking them for their service and giving them a website to go to. And if they want their website, I can place a link near their testimonial. All good.

However, I need to make a website. Lucky for me gets easy website up and running fast. Within an hour or so I have this.

The way I figure it, it's a streamlined way of getting it across. Sure, I'd love to have cartoons and videogame voices but I don't get that much work from there so why not just push what I do best, corporate industrial / commercial.

After that, Linkedin, A friend of mine said that linked in was how she got the offers of most of her jobs. Admittedly, she is in a totally different field but you never know, also it has kind of a facebook aspect to it in that you can get a connection of the people you've worked with. So, every day, I'll try and put up 10 jobs on my linkedin and try and connect with my clients there. I'll also send that email I talked about earlier but this is good enough for now.

Right as I finished, I ended up getting a job. I've got a little energy left, I kind of hate doing jobs earlier in the day, later is better for me, so I may end off the day with a job and run some v123 auditions out of the way.

Tomorrows Monday, so I'm expecting a slough of auditions and getting up early and getting to work. Not to mention, who knows if all the auditions I put up are gonna pan out. I'm hoping for a few. Also an audiobook was expressing interest. WE shall see!!!!

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