Friday, April 19, 2013

A Day Time Blog Won a Contest!!

Hey Everyone,

I'm blogging right now at noon in California. Which is like 3pm in NYC. I dedicated myself to a regiment this week, and I'm hoping for it to pay off in dividends as time goes on.

1) Wake up at 9am (sometimes 10am) 10am for today because I was up til one looking at the whole Boston bombings thing. Not a great thing to sleep to. I wake up on my own everyday, no alarm, and check my email hopingly.

2) Do as many auditions as fast as possible from 9-3pm. I have a laptop on my desk as well as a desktop, I keep all three sites open, my email, voices, and v123. I also have an auto-refresh on all of them. It also leaves my desktop free to jump to record and to do other things like play wow or games while I wait.

3) Do contests, edge studio and the weekend workout for voicebank. It's like a form of advertising.

Admittedly, I had more ideas of what to do but burned myself out. Maybe on the weekend I'll dedicate myself to doing more of my spreadsheet/linkedin/craigslist posts. Also, elance/guru/audiocatch and piehole as far as week one has gone. Nada!! But, I think all of those are works in progress. The ball is rolling.

Anyway, the good news. I won the EDGE STUDIO VO contest. It was kind of a corporate feel and I thought I had really great chance at it. Edge studio (for winning) give me 4 months of online classes for free. Which is great considering I dont have much to do for the next few months. Here's their review. 

Click to hear's recording
One of our judges didn’t have a good first impression, because our winner slated with “Hey, it’s...” then his name. Have you ever received a telephone solicitation from someone who starts out by calling you “Chief”? The effect is kind of like that. Just your name please! On the other hand, since the intent is to channel Steve Jobs’ personality, maybe such chutzpah can be overlooked this time. In any case, it’s a great technique for prevocalizing, and maybe it therefore helped his performance. But from now on, we recommend prevocalizing, do the take, then replacing the “lead-in” with whatever slate was requested. Turning to his performance, which is, after all, what we’re here for, we liked it. He used his natural voice, and read smoothly, with no unnecessary pauses. The slight pause before “to keep us” was barely a gap, just enough to signal “here comes a key point.” So there’s no need for a second micropause before “on top.” (Either spot is fine, but pausing at both sounds choppy.) As we’ve noted, a good pause point would have been the comma after “hour,” where he could have used a tiny pause or otherwise hinted slightly at a transition. Since he’s slightly fast throughout, it would give the reviewer confidence that an hour of such a performance won’t have his listeners feeling breathless. On a very strong note, his energy in “to keep us on top” is a good example of expressing confidence without resorting to hype. He sounds like he could be the head of a company, possibly a startup like Apple in its early days.

Some great stuff and some interesting notes.  I've heard the whole slate thing from multiple people, some casting directors say it helps you stand out. But, it is kind of a jumping off point for conversational style reads. BUT I WON!!! So, I'll be taking free classes again!!


Friday, is my slow day as with most. I won't be going at it with the fervor of the last few days, I'm contemplating going back to vallejo over the weekend. Just to get away from the computer frenzy.  Burnout may approach soon.  BUT ITS A GOOD DAY THOUGH!! HEHE!!!

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