Monday, April 15, 2013

Amazing Day for a Non-Union Voiceover Guy

Okay, so I used to go to bed at 3am in NYC, now since I'm on the east coast I go to bed at Midnight, makes sense. The one thing I don't wanna do is wake up later than 10is on mon-thursday for these auditions.

I wake up and I got a job from Awesome. It's just a typical web product thing, ya know the everyday conversational guy that people want. Its a page and I get to it. On top of that I get an email for repeat business of an older project.

Older projects have a tendency, especially if they are longer, to have redos as time goes on. Scripts change and the offer was definitely reasonable so I take care of those. The whole time while I do those jobs, I keep an eye on voices, ready to jump on those new auditions.

After a few auditions pop up and I hit in under 20, I get another job from V123, this guy needs a voicemail done and specifically just wants the auditions. I keep all auditions available, admittedly they are lower quality but if they want it, it's theirs. I make sure to email him that if he really wants a few more runs, I can definitely do it.

Today, I also started adding a signature to my emails. If I'm gonna start this business, I want people who have my emails to know that I have website and am available, so thats in effect.

Next up another job pops up, I'm thinking, AMAZING!!! I've created a system now, work on the jobs and audition. This works swimmingly, as I edit my jobs, I see a job come up, run to audition and get back in the chair and edit away. Today, now it's only 8pm. I did 2 jobs with voices. One job as repeat business. One job through Voicebunny (cheap as hell but it may gain repeat business so what the heck). And one voicemail through Voice123.

I completed all those jobs as of now. I kind of feel an adrenaline high right now. Lovin life.

Along with this, I am constantly posting at least twice a day to Backpage and Craigs list, just in case someone needs it. I am also updated my client list combined with updated my testimonials on my website AND updating my linkedin. As I update my linked in I make sure to try and connect with these older clients.

List of things to do tonight. Do a weekend workout audition for Voicebank then audition for a few audiobooks. You never know what you'll get. As far as count goes, I only did 9 auditions today and 1 voicebunny audition. From that I pulled the voicebunny audition. We'll see about the 9.

Life is good!!!

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