Thursday, October 8, 2015

The Life of A Non Union Voice Artist : Day 3 and 4

Hey All,

Day 3

1) Auditions 14 total
2) V123 Auditions 3 total
3) Did one call in job
4) Had to redo a part of a job as well.

Total recording sessions with editing 3.

NOTE: Sometimes a client will request a call in. This is different that ISDN, this is just a phone conference. I constantly tell clients that I have worked with PBS and many large companies where they just listened in through phone. ISDN is not needed. If it's a small job, under $500 then they shouldn't be asking for a service that costs you a hundred a month. If it's over a grand, then yea, at that point, you might as well visit a studio and hire someone to do the call in.

I've done hundreds of non-union vo jobs, I have NEVER had a client love my voice, want to hire me, and then say, "Awww no ISDN? I can't hire you then."

There's this kind of assumed thing that if you buy quality equipment, ISDN, top of the line software, that you are worth more than other vo artists. In essence, it's all about the performance. Unless of course, it's obvious and you hear voices and sirens and cars in the background.

Day 4

1) Voices Auditions 12 total
2) V123 auditions 11 Total
3) One job
4) Edited a redo

Total recording sessions with editing 2.

A thing to note about this week, this was from mon-thursday, so auditions are likely to taper off as the weekend starts.

Look at the numbers of auditions between Voices and V123, now this may change if you are female, older, etc. I only offer the stats. V123 is priced the same as voices but offer far less auditions for me. I use both because I can make my money back on both.

Have a great night everyone.

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