Sunday, September 8, 2013

AFTRA on my heels. What to do?

A couple of interesting things happened recently. I booked two jobs for my agency. The first was for Dairy Queen and the second was an audiobook.

Okay, here's the big thing everyone should know. AFTRA scale ain't the amazing life of getting a new car. As a matter of fact, it ended up being just about $500 for about an hour of work. That sounds amazing but if you've been waiting for that big AFTRA pull, this may come as a slight shock. Now, this is for a run of 13 weeks, so who knows maybe I get another check after that, but I wouldn't count on it.

The audiobook? I ended up doing half a book about a TV show that is going to debut on the CW, I have no clue how much money that gave in, but knowing audiobooks are much less than TV, I'd probably bet that it wasn't that much either.

With those two job, I think I got the AFTRA application in the mail. It's like $3500. Ugh, you figure getting a job that requires it would at least flip half the bill, well it doesn't.

Fi-Core may be a definite possibility, I'm making too much money consistently through non-union work, to jump on to that bandwagon of only union VO would be pretty tuff.

Anyways, to anyone out there reading, "The Life of a Non-Union VO artist" this may change soon to Fi-Core Artist or AFTRA artist.

I've been thinking about this for awhile. I know working actors and they are rarely vo only. They do tv and film. But, I don't want to do that, it's not me, I'm a voice over actor. That is my career.

Fi-Core may be the way to go until I finish my improv training and have enough money to take care of that bill.

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