Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Voiceover Tip: Character Voice Creation

Hey All,

Sometimes we get video game auditions or cartoon auditions and we all kind of fall into that same old voice. First off, there's nothing wrong with something that works, but there is also something to be said about doing the same thing in YOUR voice.

With your voice, you have more free range, you have more emotion and you have lived in that voice more.

When you are faced with an audition that leaves you puzzled for voices, here's a few tips.

1) Change you FACE and hold that face during the entirety of the audition.
2) Change you MOUTH position throughout the audition.
3) Start with an emotion and EMOTE that to the point where you show it on your face.
4) Do an impression of a celebrity that you have no idea how to impersonate.
5) Improvise
6) Make noises in between sentences.

The first 4 will give you a distinctly YOU idea that will set you apart from people doing Simpsons voices. The last two will show people that you aren't just playing a character, you ARE a character and if you are living in a script, you can play within that script.

Hope this helps you all,

Happy hunting!

1 comment:

  1. This post came just at the right time for me. On a first draft my characters tend to sound the same so on the second draft, as they have come more to life I try to make their voice and vocabulary more unique. This is the great list with that second draft.
