Tuesday, December 29, 2015

The Slow Holidays

Hey Everyone,

Holidays are a tough time for a freelance VO artist. The jobs have a tendency to dry up and you may not even be near your studio.

Here are a couple of good ways to get your holiday spirit up and get some momentum for when the jobs come in.

1) Thank every client you have worked with and wish them a happy holiday. 5 or more a day would be great. Maybe pop in an availability schedule for more work or talk about a job you just finished.

2) Do a search for production studios, agents, anything that produces video content and start sending emails expressing interest. I used Boomerang to schedule emails to be sent and then send them at a time where you know people will be in office. Do 5 of those a day, schedule for after the new year and you'll have an email blast that is unprecedented.

3) Get your website started. Ever VO artist should have a website, in the slow times, you'll need a professional place where people can go to inquire about your services. It doesn't have to be amazing, it just hast to be functional.

Between those three things, you may not be making direct money but you will be doing your part to focus on future business.

Use the time you have! And have FUN!

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