Thursday, August 13, 2015

New Audition Hints and Tips

Here's a few cool things I've picked up. This will be really quick but TRUST ME. Use them.

1) If you are asked for a STRONG character, flex your muscles while you do the VO. Including the slate!

2) If you are having trouble with a particular word or phrase, as you say it, POINT when you hit the word, trust me.

3) If you want a REALLY conversational, we're talking kickstarter or maybe just stream of thought guy, SQUINT or TILT YOUR HEAD, it feels like your trying to find the words.

4) If your in a Conversational VO, don't be afraid of an UH or a hmm, in conversation these things happen.

5) For a CARTOON RANT, try and get through it in one breath.  Or even a regular rant. And make sure to record that breath in after.

There's 5 hints for ya!

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