Friday, January 9, 2015

Great Things To Do When Work Slows

This is for the VO artist who has been getting jobs and suddenly finds that lull.

This usually happens during the holidays or who knows when.

Here are some fun marketing tips on things to do.

1) Make a Linkedin Account

Everyone should have one of these. The great thing about a linked in is that it is relatively harmless, everyone uses it and if you worked with someone, it isn't intruding to send a connection.

2) Find old videos

As a form of promotion, search out all those old videos that are floating around the internet with your voice on it. Sometimes it takes a while but if you find something, it's pretty awesome. Link that.

3) Make a facebook page for you as a Voice Artist. Here's mine.

Justin D. Torres


Notice my facebook page and how it's just video after video. You can do the same thing with linked in. You can post a video from every job you worked on. Suddenly, it's an interactive fun zone full of your voice being brought to life.

5) Reconnect with old clients

This is a tricky one. I would say after 6 months, try and send a message thanking them for the work. Sometimes you can be cool and ask for the video as an excuse. The key is to tell them how much you enjoyed working with them and if they need someone again, just email you. The key is to be on the radar. You may not get jobs straight away but you are putting yourself out there.

Two of these steps take a minute. The rest could take hours but this is investing time into your career. DO IT!!!

Here's an old video of mine.

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