Monday, January 27, 2014

Quick Post Skype ISDN or Call In

Okay, I haven't been asked this question but I do have an opinion and this is gonna be quick.

ISDN, as far as I know, costs an arm and a leg. So, if you're non union, don't mess with it. Not worth your time AT ALL!

Here's the key note, if you don't have ISDN audition ANYWAY, and say in the audition note, I don't have ISDN but I have recorded and had people call in and direct and it always turned out amazingly.

ANYONE who requires ISDN and it's a 100 job is an ASS. Or here's another one, if they say WE don't pay for studio time  ASS.  First off, if they have a sound engineer online ready to listen in, then they aren't poor. If they are a serious enough company, they will book a studio and have you come in with a sound engineer THEY paid for and give you direction. That's what happens in Union gigs.

SKYPE. Anyone who asks for skype probably just wants a telephone conference but doesn't really know it.

SKYPE is bad for a number of reasons.
    1) Cause of Insecurity. You're staring at your own FACE. 
    2) Cause of bad direction. If you do weird hand motions and face stuff, then the direction may just         assume that the audience will hear that, when the fact is THEY WONT!
    3) Dependance on Internet. Have you ever skyped with someone who doesn't skype. It may be painful.
    4) What you see HAS NOTHING to do with what you hear. If you had the choice between listening to a VO alone or watching the actor do it, you should just listen because YOU FOCUS a sense.
    5) The Illusion of professionalism. I don't know about you guys, but I do it in my room and it aint clean, fancy or look like a studio. UGH


Here's the great thing about the OLD call in. It's simple. You can have one ear bud in on ear next to a microphone and everytime they talk they wouldn't be heard. You would have the director in your ear. That is amazing. 

So, my opinon, get them to call in. Brag about doing call ins with great companies and they loved it.  Say it's easy and you've done it a million times. Know why it works and sell it. 

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