Monday, December 16, 2013

Know Your Worth

I think often times, while I'm doing a job that's huge. "This is pretty cheap" has a minimum of $100 per job and those jobs could be as small as a paragraph or even a line, BUT they could be 1000 words, which is still pretty good. Here's what you need to take into consideration though:

1) A round of pickups, it is bound to happen, the round of pickups may even be just doing it over again. That could double your time.

2) How many takes do you wanna give? For smaller, I give 2-3 takes. It keeps the client happy right off the bat and it's no skin of my back because chances are, by the 3rd take it's pretty awesome. However, it's more time. For larger, I have a tendency to give only 1 take MAYBE 2, depends how I feel.

3) The uploading factor. If time is money and you have a slow connection, then you're losing money.

4) The file format problem, 95 percent of the time, they just want a wav or aiff, possibly an mp3. But, there are occasionally these crazy clients who want some weird format that's almost too weird to be true.

In the end, it's only $100, sometimes even less. So, here's the question, what are you worth.

If you're a new kid in town and have less than say 30 jobs under your belt, then do the small jobs, do the free jobs, do videogames for free, do voicebunny jobs for insanely low amounts of money. The proof is gonna be in how many jobs you get. You want to be efficient at VO.

For the question of ISDN, nothing is worth that amount. At least not now, I make a decent living without the need for an ISDN. Someone who has ANYTHING less than a 1k job and requires an ISDN and has that little quote of "You have to take care of the studio." is taking advantage of non-union. Any client who says, I want you but I need ISDN, I basically say, "I've had people call into the recording session and they've listened in and directed. If you want to do that, it has worked before."

Recently, I got a pretty big job with lots of little tutorials. They were maybe 1 minute long scripts. I charged $25 because I want to give them a deal but I can't think of going ANY cheaper than that. This is hard work and it takes time and effort. What's the price that you can sleep at night with? What's the price that you can get up in the morning as a VO artist and smile knowing that you're not doing a 9-5pm (if that's the case)?

That my friend is your price, that's what you're worth. That little borderline between happy and mildly insulting. hehe.

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