Monday, June 3, 2013

First Job From My Website!!!

It's been awhile since my last post, but to be honest, I've been the most productive I've ever been. It's been the combination of a few different things.

1) Speedy auditioning (getting first ten-20 is a shoe in if you're competetive)

2) Voicebunny dings (voicebunny dings when a job or audition is available, it may be cheaper but  you actually get paid for auditioning so if you hear the ding, JUMP ON IT)

3) Getting on Voicejockeys. I've gotten a few key jobs from Voicejockeys, admittedly they were all going to my junk mail. But, the lovely lady at voicejockey actually calls you an hour before the job is due to remind you. (shouldn't have to do that that) Just make sure it goes to your inbox. (not like me) Also, you just get JOBS, not auditions. It's really based on your demo itself.

4) Voice123: As long as you don't waste time with auditions you have no business doing, and just manage what you're good at, you should be able to pull here.

5) Repeat Business: I have a few key clients that just constantly come back over and over. I have a client that acts as a middle man for me and just sends me auditions for jobs and I get about 75% of them. It's amazing!

6) Now RECENTLY, my WEBSITE!!! Now, I don't know where or how he found me but I gotta figure out how to get MORE people to find me. One job with the rates I put up is great.

1) ELance,, Backpage, Craigslist. (PIEHOLE (we'll see), Freelancers. All jobs there are pretty much useless or just junk. It's more for people who want to do ENTIRE projects and you're up against people who work REALLY DIRT cheap.

Honestly, the last time I did a blogger post, I had a goal in mind to get a specific amount of dough to get me back to NYC and back into the improv scene.  As of now? I'm well on my way, with no signs of stopping.

Get out there peeps.

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